Basin Scale Events to Coastal Impacts

a time for change

Image credit: Chelle Gentemann and JPL PO.DAAC: Charles Thompson and Jeffery R. Hall.

A rapidly changing climate and anomalous events such as marine heatwaves are progressively exposing ecosystems of the North Pacific Ocean to extreme conditions, and critical research at the scale of whole basins is urgent.

Understanding the impacts of climate on the ocean and the complete marine ecosystem/food web is critical in advancing climate and ecological modelling, data science, and autonomous/remote monitoring.

To avoid continuously reacting to change after the fact, in an increasingly volatile environment, we must invest in developing an integrated and intelligence-based approach to rapidly understand and adapt our management systems.

an integrated ocean intelligence system for a changing world

BECI (Basin Scale Events to Coastal Impacts), a project proposed by the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC) and the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), was endorsed by the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science and Sustainable Development (UNDOS) in 2021.

The NPAFC and PICES are convening a consortium of intergovernmental organizations, NGOs, academics, Indigenous, and private sector partners to design, test, and implement BECI. This ocean intelligence system will help inform decisions on fisheries management, fisheries compliance, food security, and much more.

Our objective is to develop and test an international ocean intelligence system of monitoring, research and analytical approaches that provide timely knowledge and advice to decision makers about the impact of current and future climate on ocean conditions in high seas and coastal socio-ecological systems. Salmon will be an exemplar species but a modular approach will ultimately include all species of interest.


building beci

2022 beci workshop series

Designing BECI is no small task. As a first step, we are developing a high-level science plan.

learning from experience

BECI expands on the success of recent international science activities focused on salmon survival in the North Pacific.

BECI will further develop cross-cutting marine research, modelling and data synthesis to allow for more effective predictions on marine productivity for key species in the North Pacific Ocean. As we improve our understanding of the oceanography of the North Pacific Ocean, BECI will contribute more effective climate modeling, an important synergy. 

contact us

BECI will develop a new ocean intelligence system over the period of the Ocean Decade (2021 - 2030). Partners are currently being convened to implement the planning phase of BECI.

If you are interested being part of the implementation phase of this project, please contact us at:


“Developing high resolution and cost-effective means to understand and track the health of our ocean ecosystems in the face of rapid change is absolutely necessary to manage marine resources like salmon now and in the future. BECI is well positioned to help North Pacific fisheries managers with this important responsibility.”

- Dr. Jacques White, Director, Long Live the Kings